库珀·琼斯将带领掠夺者队实现“伟大” Through Virtue’ Strategic Plan



MG冰球突破试玩在新闻发布会上向媒体介绍琼斯, 球迷, 星期一和助推器, 3月6日, 1 p.m. 在加里·萨拉德森商学院的巴特勒礼堂举行.

俾斯麦,ND — The University of Mary has named 库珀琼斯 to be its executive director of intercollegiate athletics, in charge of athletic administration and all Marauders Armada fundraising in support of its new Greatness through Virtue Strategic Plan. Jones becomes only the fourth person to lead Marauders athletics following in the footsteps of highly revered North Dakota legends Al Bortke, 罗杰·托马斯。, 戴尔·列侬.    

琼斯来到俾斯麦的MG冰球突破试玩, ND, 拥有近25年的领导经验, with stops at NCAA Division I Power 5 conference schools Arizona State University (executive associate athletic director), 路易斯维尔大学(体育发展助理主任), 马里兰大学(巨额捐赠主任), 佐治亚理工学院(发展主任). His other Division I administrative posts include senior associate athletic director (University of North Texas), and assistant vice president and chief of 工作人员 for institutional advancement (Tarleton State University). He is currently the executive director of intercollegiate athletics and campus recreation at NCAA Division II Cal Poly Humboldt.

"I want to thank the University of Mary for giving our family this incredible opportunity,琼斯说。. “To everyone who supports and represents UMary athletics — from our scholar-athletes, 捐助者, 还有我们教练的球迷, 工作人员, 还有管理人员,你们是掠夺者体育的灵魂, and I am humbled and honored to lead an organization that means so much to each of you. 作为你们的体育主管, 你可以期待我的出现, 保持联系和参与, and to be tirelessly devoted to the success of our scholar-athletes and 教练."

琼斯在每一个大学机构都发挥了重要作用, with expertise in generating new revenue streams; raising academic excellence; developing strategic plans; improving operations and game day management; enhancing facilities, 基础设施, 工作人员 development and brand awareness; marketing; compliance; cultivating external relations; and securing record-breaking fundraising dollars.

Jones has been part of three university advancement capital campaigns in excess of $1 billion. He’s led unit-based capital campaigns and annual fund drives of more than $920 million, 直接负责495美元.500万的新礼物和承诺. At ASU, he negotiated a new apparel agreement with Adidas, forecast to generate 125% in new revenue. 在螺母, 作为首席执行官, he secured the second largest NCAA Division I corporate naming rights agreement for an on-campus football stadium. He has served as a board member of the Fiesta Bowl Committee and the Phoenix Arizona chapter of the National Football Foundation.

琼斯将于3月6日开始向MG冰球突破试玩的工作过渡, 标志着掠夺者队的领导职位空缺超过10个月. 在1点.m. 那一天, Gary Tharaldson商学院的巴特勒礼堂, 他将在新闻发布会上被介绍给媒体, 教练, 球迷, 推进器, 教职员工. Jones will work remotely until April 3, when he begins working from his office on campus.

“10个月似乎很漫长, 尤其是在体育界,MG冰球突破试玩校长詹姆斯·谢伊解释说. “When we started this process, we knew we couldn’t settle on just any candidate. 我们需要勤奋、有条理、虔诚、深思熟虑地寻找. 最重要的是, we needed to exercise one of the most important of virtues — patience — not as a sign of weakness but as a signal of strength. 好了,等待结束了,一位模范仆人领袖已经在路上了. We believe Cooper is the right person at the right time to lead us through our Greatness through Virtue Strategic Plan and capital campaign, 这是掠夺者运动的新时代. 他对我们基督徒的忠诚, 天主教, 和本笃会的使命, 他对细节的关注, and his leadership experience at the collegiate level is impressive and visionary.”   

琼斯的愿景以他的基督教信仰为中心. He’s built a successful career guided by his faith and the servant leadership model that align with the mission and Benedictine values of the University of Mary. 科尼尔斯人, GA, Jones earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and public relations from Ohio University, 在那里,他获得了三年的信件奖,还是橄榄球队的高级队长. 他娶了蒂芙尼·琼斯(古德曼), 他们有一个儿子杰克和一对双胞胎女儿, 安妮和珍妮.

“作为一个家庭, we felt called to this opportunity and are truly blessed to join the UMary family,琼斯说。. “我很感激詹姆斯·谢伊主教, Executive Vice President Jerome 里希特 and the hard-working members of the search committee for their confidence in me. The chance to join a university which aspires to achieve 'Greatness through Virtue' was such a compelling part of our interest in this leadership role at UMary."

University of Mary Executive Vice President Jerome 里希特 believes Jones is particularly suited and qualified for this new, 扩大了他作为掠夺者队体育队长的角色. 里希特, who oversees University of Mary’s overall $272 million Vision 2030 Capital Campaign, will work closely with Jones as they continue to build the Marauders brand and reach their fundraising goals.

“随着愿景2030资本运动第二阶段的开始, 时机对我们家来说再好不过了.  有机会加入这样一个充满活力和不断发展的社区, 让我们的家人把俾斯麦称为家, 坦白说,这是一个我们不能错过的机会,琼斯说。.  

While 里希特 is excited to have Jones on board during this new era of Marauders athletics, 他也非常感谢丹·亨特利, 是谁在过渡时期优雅地将掠夺者号引向正确的方向.  

“在招聘过程中,丹·亨特利是一位无名英雄, 作为临时体育主管,里希特说。. “He’ll be the first to tell you, he was only doing his job as our senior associate athletic director. 好吧, 这可能是真的, 但他做得令人钦佩, 自豪地, 的决心, and the utmost professionalism while also coaching the best hockey team in ACHA Division II. 丹是一个总冠军教练,一个更好的人,一个真正的领导者. 我对亨特利教练的贡献感激不尽.”

而琼斯的首要任务将是聘请一位新的足球教练, he’ll immediately use his strategic planning and fundraising skills to take the lead role in the newly announced $40-plus million Marauders 体育运动 Complex that is included in the Phase II of the Vision 2030 Capital Campaign. That project will bring many sports back to campus by featuring a new Game Day Plaza and football stadium with air dome and research pavilion to be used year-round as a multi-purpose facility, 座位约2人,500 球迷 on the main grandstand and many more on the berm surrounding the field. Also inside the complex are baseball and softball diamonds and a soccer field enclosed by an eight-lane track and field — all scheduled for completion in the coming years.
