• 圣吉安娜健康科学学院院长


我是一名终身住院医生,对医疗、教育和服务充满热情. 在进入高等教育之前,我在多个临床环境中练习过物理治疗. 全职教师, 我曾担任PT项目的临床教育主任, 系主任(2010-2020), 现任圣吉安娜健康科学学院院长. 我对服务的承诺使我获得了多个地方和国家董事会的任命, 以及带领15个服务学习团队前往危地马拉和秘鲁的喜悦. 我喜欢和家人(丈夫)在一起, 2名成年子女, 2只狗), 打高尔夫球, 锻炼, 和阅读.


引用特蕾莎修女的话, “在这一生中,我们不可能总是做伟大的事情, 但我们可以用大爱做小事.“呼召服务意味着彼此服务, 我们的学生, 我们的社区每天都怀着一颗感恩的心. 我们的姐妹们以耶稣为榜样,告诉我“为什么”——活出我们的信仰意味着服务他人. 老实说, 还有什么地方比MG冰球突破试玩更适合生活呢?在这里,我们不仅有幸为学生提供专业教育, 但希望也能开始教会他们,有价值的生活是为他人服务的生活.


我的主要专长是女性健康理疗, 专业实践问题, 领导, 和的服务培训. 2012年,我还通过美国物理治疗协会获得了教育领导高级奖学金.


Dockter, M. (2021) "The renewal of catholic health sciences education," 主要事务展望. http://primematters.com/

Dockter, M.厄尔默,E.C.甘德森,M.霍尔沃森,J.约翰逊,A.亚伯拉罕.Reisch R. (2021) "Comfort level of current physical therapist students in addressing sexual issues with patients," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. doi: 10.1097 / JWH.0000000000000200

Dockter, M.,伦丁,H.帕克,M。. (2020) "An interprofessional geriatric experiential learning experience: Its impact on physical and occupational therapist students," 物理治疗教育杂志. 34(1): doi: 0.1097 / JTE.0000000000000115

Dockter, M.本森,S.张,Y.安德森,C.、乐当. (2018) "Factors influencing physical therapists to enter into women's health specialty practice," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 42(3): 154-164. 

Reisch R.拉特,R.多克特,M.桑德斯,S. (2017) "Overactive bladder in female students: Prevalence, 风险因素, 以及对生活质量的影响," 妇女健康杂志. 27(2): 156-161. doi: 10.1089 / jwh.2016.6181. PMID: 28953429.

Dockter, M.波松诺,J.S.安德森,K.纳尔逊,P.C. (2016) "Pelvic floor examination training for the DPT student: Results from the academic and clinical communities," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 40(2): 84-88.  

Boissonnault J.S.安德森,K.多克特,M.纳尔逊,P.C. (2016) "Comparison of section on women's health, APTA, 入门级物理治疗项目中妇女健康课程内容指南, 2005 to 2014," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 40(2): 89-100.

纳尔逊,P.波松诺,J.S.安德森,K.C.多克特,M. (2016) "Survey on curricular content for doctor of physical therapy guidelines for women's health content in professional physical therapist education: 2014 Update," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 40(2): 61-76. 

Figuers C.波松诺,J.S.纳尔逊,P.多克特,M.安德森,K. (2016) "Technical report on using the systems and patient management model in women's health DPT curricular guidelines," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 40(2): 77-83. 

Figuers C.纳尔逊,P.爱尔康,K.安德森,K.波松诺,J.布拉纳斯,A.多克特,M.邓巴,A. (2014) "Guidelines for women's health content in professional physical therapist education: 2014 Update," APTA, 亚历山大, VA.  

Dockter, M.海德里奇,K., Hermes, Bethany, Kukla, C.皮尔逊,K. (2014)“InterStim®对生活质量的影响:一个案例系列”, 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 38: 53-57.

Dockter, M.,滚筒,J.埃克特,J. (2013) "Preparing physical therapy students for the role of clinical educator: A case study report," 工作:预防、评估和康复杂志. 44: 255-263.  

Dockter, M.斯塔克,C.弗雷德,S.约翰,L.巴库姆,J. (2011) "Section on women's health members' perceptions of mentoring entry-level students in clinical education," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 35(1): 3-10.

Dockter, M.贝克尔,E.休伯,C.拉彻,J.奥本,L. (2008) "The prevalence of urinary incontinence in high school females: Implications for prevention and wellness education," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 32(2): 7-11.

Dockter, M.亚伯拉罕.科,J. (2008) "Technical report of specialty practice in women's health physical therapy," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 32(1): 12-25.

Dockter, M.科尔斯塔德,A.马丁,K.Schiwal, L. (2007) "Prevalence of urinary incontinence: A comparative study of collegiate female athletes and non-athletes controls," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 31(1): 12-17.

Boissonault J.安德森,K.多克特,M.邓巴,A.伊里昂,J.拉波尔塔-克鲁姆,L. (2005) "Guidelines for women's health content in professional physical therapist education," APTA, 亚历山大, VA.  

Dockter, M.波松诺,J.汉普顿,E.亚伯拉罕.科尔,M.马可夫斯基,M. et al. (2005) "Petition for certification of women's health specialization," SOWH, APTA, 亚历山大, VA.  

Dockter, M., Rust, T.舒勒,E.伯格斯特罗姆,K.布罗菲,J. (2004) "The use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the relief of pain during labor and delivery: A case study," 妇女健康物理治疗杂志. 28: 33-36.

Dockter, M. (2004) "An international service-learning experience for physical therapy students: Its meaning and effect on civic engagement and 领导 skills,“(论文). 北达科他州大学,大福克斯,ND.

Meier K.多克特,M. (2002) "Survey of current clinical practices in wound care," 造口伤口管理杂志. 48: 36-42.  

Dockter, M. (2001) "An analysis of physical therapy pre-admission factors on academic success and success on the national licensing examination," 物理治疗教育杂志. 15: 61-64.

纳尔逊,P.阿拉帕图,M.J.亚伯拉罕.多克特,M.主教先生.斯皮茨纳格尔,T.Reisch R.Chiarello, C. (2020) "Publish or Perish Session 1: Designing an Impactful Manuscript," and 
“发表或灭亡第二阶段:同行评议导航”,APTA联合分会会议,丹佛,CO .. 

Dockter, M.主教先生.纳尔逊,P.阿拉帕图,M.J.亚伯拉罕.斯皮茨纳格尔,T.Reisch R.Chiarello, C. (2019) "Reject or Correct? 出版之路上的有效反馈指南,“APTA联合分会会议, 华盛顿, DC. 

纳尔逊,P.波松诺,J.安德森,K.多克特,M.C. (2017) "The What, When, 妇女健康内容在DPT教育中的位置和方式,“APTA联合分会会议, 圣安东尼奥, TX.

明智的,维.凯里,J.多姆霍尔特,E.多克特,M.狼,M. (2013) "Managing the At-Risk Student: When Sailing isn't Smooth from 入学 to Graduation,“APTA联合分会会议, 圣地亚哥, CA.

纳尔逊,P.C.多克特,M.波松诺,J.等。. (2012) "Update on Entry-Level Women's Health 教育al Standards,“APTA联合分会会议, 芝加哥, IL.

丰富、N.多克特,M.亚伯拉罕.法国博雷洛,D. (2010) "Using Evidence in Practice: Writing a Case Report,“APTA联合分会会议, 圣地亚哥, CA.

丰富、N.多克特,M.亚伯拉罕.法国博雷洛,D. (2009) "Using Evidence in Practice: Writing a Case Report,“APTA联合分会会议, 拉斯维加斯, NV.

Dockter, M.C.哈特利,G.亨德里克斯,C.Schwoerer, C.汤普森,M。. (2008) "Professional Development Opportunities in Women's Health,“APTA联合分会会议, 纳什维尔, TN.

Dockter, M. (2007) "服务 Orientated Learning Experience (SOLE): Integrating Servant Leadership into a PT Program,APTA全国物理治疗领导会议, 明尼阿波里斯市, MN.

Boissonnault J.伊里昂,J.拉波尔塔,L.安德森,K.邓巴,A.多克特,M. (2004) "Entry-Level Women's Health 教育al Standards,“APTA联合分会会议, 纳什维尔, TN. 

安德森,K.波松诺,J.多克特,M.纳尔逊,P.C. (2017) "New Guidelines for Women's Health Content in Professional Physical Therapist 教育,“WCPT会议, 南非. 

Lundeen H.多克特,M. (2011) "A 社区 Partnership Between a Women's Shelter and a Physical Therapy Program "A Look at How 服务 Learning Works as an Instructional Strategy for Entry-Level Pediatric and Women's Health Curricular Content,美国儿科学会儿科分会年会, 阿纳海姆, CA.  

Dockter, M.斯塔克,C.弗雷德,S.约翰,L.巴库姆,J. (2011) "Section on Women's Health Members' Perceptions of Mentoring Entry-Level Students in Clinical 教育,“APTA联合分会会议, 新奥尔良, LA. 

Dockter, M. (2005) "An International 服务-Learning Experience for PT Students: Its Meaning and Effect on Civic Engagement and Leadership Skills,“APTA联合分会会议, 新奥尔良, LA. 

Dockter, M. “指导计划对临床医生知识和追求学术生涯动机的影响”,“(海报). APTA联合分组会议. (虚拟会议).

辊、J.多克特,M. (2019) "Interprofessional Course for 7+ Professions,“(海报). 创新物理和职业治疗教育峰会,奥马哈,东北. 

Dockter, M. (2003) "A Description of a Physical Therapy 服务-Learning Field Study in Guatemala,“(海报). APTA联合分会会议,坦帕,佛罗里达州.

安德森,T.多克特,M. (2002) "Integrating a 服务-Orientated Leadership Experience (SOLE) into Professional Programs,“(海报). 合作会议,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州.

